Thursday 25 April 2013

Resurgence of Coal

Coal has been the first primary ‘Stocks’ energy source that found Industrial application. Power plants and metal refineries were built on coal based energy source. It triggered and sustained the industrial revolution till 1950s, when the oil arrived as a more convenient, economical and less polluting. Even gas-dash of 1990s could not displace Coal from the second position. This is essentially due to the fact that there is abundance and widespread geographic availability of coal. The R/P of coal is the best at 197 years.

At current consumption rates and with current technology and land-use restrictions, the U.S. coal reserves would last well over 250 years. US is hailed as Saudi Arabia of coal.
With improved technologies, estimated recoverable coal reserves, at current consumption rates, are estimated to be sufficient for 500 years or longer.
Both OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) nations and the upcoming non-OECD countries are replete with coal based installations.

Three nations account for 60% of world coal use i.e. China, US and India. Energy demand is growing rapidly in China and India and both nations get most of their electricity from coal. The US Department of electricity projects that world coal consumption will rise by 60% from 2010 through 2030 and that China and India will account for nearly three-fourths of the increase.
An exponential increase in world demand for energy, geopolitical development, growing concern on imports and security of supply, uneconomical non-fossil energy sources, indecision about nuclear power are all factors which are contributing to the resurgence of coal.
Coal is considered attractive again because its prices are low and stable relative to those of petroleum and natural gas, which swing unpredictably.

But some reviewers believe that the current haste has more to do with fear and hunger to garner as much energy resources as possible. Coal use, primarily for the generation of electricity, now accounts for roughly 20 percent of global GHG emissions. With the ghost of climate change looming even larger in the public consciousness, utilities are anticipating that the time will soon come when regulators will slap a limit on carbon emissions from electric power generators and perhaps other industrial sources, and that the more coal-fired capacity the producers build before that day of reckoning, the higher their share of the total cap will be.
This renaissance is taking place in many countries, but by far the most important driver is escalating demand for coal in China, accompanied by growth in India and by continued strong demand in the USA.

Coal is normally one of the most economic ways to generate electricity. But, with a cost of CO2 – either direct or indirect – at $60/ton, coal would be more expensive than the natural gas, nuclear and wind power.

There is enough federal spend on research and technology development for cleaner-burning coal (called integrated gasification combined cycle, or IGCC), that can be equipped to capture and sequester carbon.
IGCC, mentioned above, is the least polluting coal burning technology being developed today  The advantages of IGCC over pulverized coal technology are that it is more efficient (using less coal to produce each kilowatthour of electricity), uses much less water, and emits much less SO2, particulates, and mercury. Most important, carbon capture can be integrated into an IGCC plant much more easily and cheaply than into a pulverized coal plant. Jana Milford, a senior scientist with the U.S. NGO Environmental Defense, says that IGCC combined with sequestration can cut CO2 emissions by 90 percent compared with conventional plants.

 The power plants in the U.S. generated 1,764,486 thousand Megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity from coal in 2009.
Demand for coal will peak by 2025 and begin a gradual decline, in part because of emerging policies that will seek to curb emissions by imposing a cost on higher carbon fuels. Use of renewable energies and nuclear power will grow significantly. By 2040, less than 30% of the world’s electricity will be generated from Coal, down from about 40% today.

It is very clear that coal will resurge as an essential contributor to the world’s primary energy supply for a decade to come. Unless there are discoveries of oil or gas thate enhances R/P ratio by double digits, or radical technology improvement in the use of renewable energy sources, it seems that the Stock-driven choice in the twenty-first century could continue to be coal and nuclear power. Consumption of coal will expand, although more slowly than that of other fuels.  But, the coal usage will decline after 2025, since many of the renewable energy sources and Nuclear energy will also become sustainable.

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